15 - Module Outline
This module section shows the modules in a timeline view and has detailed expandable summaries
EXPERIENCE IT: Head over to the demo page and see this super power in action
How to use this super power
This super power works a bit differently than others. It requires a minimum of two page sections. The "main" section is Kit: Modules (15) there should only be one of these. Additional sections for each module group would be added through individual section: KIT: Modules (15 detail)
1) Add the Sections Kit sections to the page
2) Update the Headings settings group
3) Update the Text styles settings group
4) Update the Background Color settings group
5) Update the Section settings group
6) Add a page section "Kit: Modules (15 Detail)" for each module
Add additional page sections "Kit: Modules (15 Detail)" and repeat the process
Last updated