Base Kit
The Base Kit is included with all Kit Power Ups. You can use the Base Kit from any Kit PowerUp to ensure that you have a seamless experience
IMPORTANT: The "Base Kit" needs to be included in all pages that will be using Kit Super Power Sections. If you do not include the Base Kit section, then it will not look or behave the way it should. You should also include the Base Kit as the first section of the page.
Font Settings
Font Pairings
We have included a list of font pairings that you can use. The list represents the fonts to be used on the Headings and Body. All Kit sections will uses these fonts for the headings and body portions of the sections that are on the same page.
Using Custom Fonts
To use custom fonts or Google fonts you essentially need to provide an "embed script" that will reference the font families to be used. If you have purchased a font from a front provider, then be sure you have a "web license" for that font and that your font provider can give you an embed script to be used on a website.
How to use non Google Custom Fonts (covered in the video above): 1) Get your Webfont kit from a font provider (or convert your desktop fonts using FontSquirrel 2) Upload your Webfont files (WOFF/WOFF2, etc) to a "dummy course, download lesson so you can grab a url to those files) 3) Add the snippet to Base Kit section using the url to those font files 4) Use the font's inside of Sections Kit as well as how to use the font inside of Thinkific sections
Using Thinkific's Theme Fonts:
In this case, we will use the Theme Settings to "load" the font scripts. Then will be use the above method for Custom Fonts, but only having to specify the font family name in the Base Kit settings.
Named Colors
Many times a brand consists of more the 2 colors being used. So we have provided an easy way for you to specify up to 5 colors. You do not need to use all of these if you do not want to, but in subsequent Kit sections where you are specifying a color for an item on the page (ex: heading color), you can choose "Color 1" and it will use the color that the base kit has specified for "Color 1". Then this way if you ever need to change your color scheme, you can change it in one place. Also this helps by not having to remember and enter your color codes each time. Another side benefit of this approach, is that it allows you to alter the color scheme being used on a specific page without effecting the entire site.
How to use named colors
Base Kit includes settings to control the style of your buttons. These settings will control the style of the buttons that are include with a Kit PowerUp only.
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